Wednesday, December 15, 2010

4 Steps to Having Anything You Want

As you look into the future, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes based on what you choose to do and when. These are all potential future 'you's and is represented as follows:


I have intentionally drawn the dots in curved lines to represent 'waves' in time. Much like when you throw a stone into a pond, the immediate impact is a small ring, but in time this ring expands greater and greater in size representing the ever growing possible future yous as time passes.

Another way to look at it is if you make a change in direction of only 1 degree.  In the immediate future this does not create much of a difference from the original direction, but in time the gap increases.
When you think of how or who you would like to be in the future, you are attempting to connect with one or more of these future possible yous. Additionally, when you think of having specific things in your life, you connect with the future yous who have these things. If you never think of the future this whole conversation is a moot point, so we will assume there is a future you want to connect with.


Regardless of how likely it is you will continue making the same choices (i.e.: behaving in the same way), all the possibile future yous have the same probability.  That being said, 9 out of 10 of the future yous (based on where you are) may result in the same outcome. Therefore, the likelihood of that 1 different event happening are slim (not impossible... just not likely).

For example, lets say having $1,000,000 in your bank is something you would like to connect with. If you current you is a 9-5 job that pays a modest hourly wage, this is unlikely.

Again, unlikely but not impossible as there are an unlimited number of possibilities.  Perhaps these two possibilities represent buying a lottery ticket and choosing the winning numbers or robbing a string of local banks and getting away with it.

As you focus on that which you desire, you connect with these future yous they communicate back with you.  And they do this in the only form they can, through thoughts and ideas. It is then up to you (based on your beliefs, rules, perception of who you are, etc...) if you will act on these.

The more you act in alignment with the future yous you wish to manifest, the more likely it will be that they actually do become the present you, in time. The less likely an event (or the less current number of future yous), the more you would have to be tuned into this future you in order to do the precise action necessary to manifest him/her.

Conversely, if you have made choices in order to increase the likelihood of an event, there will be more future yous to connect with and therefore the likelihood of the event actually occuring is much higher.  Keep in mind, NOTHING is guaranteed.  However things can be highly likely.


Lets pull FIGURE 2&3 into a practical example and one that many of us strive for; financial freedom.

If the desired outcome and therefore the future yous you wish to connect with are those that are financially free and, like our previous example, you are working a 9-5 at a modest hourly wage, there won't be as many readily available future yous for you to connect with (see FIGURE 2).

However, if you had taken a real estate investment course and continued down this path, taking action and applying your new found knowledge, there will be many more future yous for you to connect with as you have now placed yourself in that environment and created that reality (see FIGURE 3).

While we are on this point, this helps explain 'luck'.  Often we refer to successful people as lucky (which is a convenient excuse in order to not take responsibility for our own results).  Perhaps it not as much luck as it is that successful people create a reality/environment for themselves which supports a high likelihood of success.


A major focus of what I do as a Coach is remove people's limiting beliefs.  A limiting belief is any belief you have which reduces the amount of possibilities available to you.  To a certain degree all beliefs are limiting, so the point is to choose beliefs which keep you open to the greatest number of possibilities.

A quick story to illustrate the power of beliefs.  One day I was driving by a grocery store and I didn't believe there was an entrance from the road I was on.  In actuallity there was one, but because I didn't believe there wasn't looking for it and what do you know... I didn't see it.  Sometimes... BELIEVING IS SEEING.

Similar to beliefs is focus.  I could have believed there was an entrance there, but if my focus was elsewhere (lets say I was on my phone or the car ahead of me suddenly swerved) I wouldn't see the entrance. And important concept to remember when it comes to focus is... WHAT YOU FOCUS ON IS WHAT YOU GET or YOUR FOCUS IS YOUR REALITY, BUT NOT ACTUALITY. In other words, if you are focused on the negative (even though it's not what you want), that is what you will experience and get more of.  Put another way... WHERE YOUR FOCUS GOES, ENERGY FLOWS.

Applying this to our desired outcome of Financial freedom, if you don't believe you can achieve this and/or you are not focused on it, it is highly unlikely it will happen (again... not impossible!).

In the above, you will notice that there a lot of possible future yous that have your desired outcome, but if you are focused elsewhere or they aren't within your realm of beliefs then you won't connect with them. This is very important to understand. 

You could have put your self in the right place, in the right time, with the right skills, etc... creating many possible yous within close vicinity of the present moment, but if you don't believe it or are focused elsewhere no of these future yous will become the present. THEY DO EXIST, you don't believe it or see it, just like that entrance to the grocery store.


Think of your brain as a radio antenna.  It both sends and receives signals.

The end goal is to act in accordance with the future you that has or is what you want. In order to do this you must send your desires to these future yous and then receive their thoughts, impulses, direction.  And in order to send or receive you must first tune in to the future yous.

Meditating with intent is a highly effective way of doing this. And really, what is meditating?  Its focusing your attention to rid yourself of distractions in order to connect with yourself and all versions of yourself. Keeping with the radio metaphor, it would be difficult to hear what the DJ is saying when your TV is on, iPod is playing, significant other is talking to you, as you check your facebook and cook supper. Meditating gives you the abilitiy to turn off the distractions.

Once in a meditative state (i.e.: eyes closed and you've allowed your mind to quiet), focus your mind on your desired outcomes.  Ask questions like who would you have to be to achieve this? How would you have to show up? What would you have to do/change? And also engage your emotions by feeling what it would feel like to accomplish this as well as what feelings you may have to develop or ditch. Stay with this until you are so connected with the future you that this version is here with you in the present.

From this will come action steps, and this is the critical part.... DOING THEM! Otherwise it was a fun trip... and when all is said and done the last thing you want to say is that all you did was dream your life. That is only the first half, the second half is living your dreams.

Some of the factors which determine the success of this process are:
- The intensity (emotions) with which you want the desired
- The frequency you connect with the desired state and NOT connect with the undesired state
- The current likelihood of the event occuring (again, this changes in time as you take more actions toward it)
- Your focus on beliefs


1) Know what you want (not what you don't want)
2) Tune in
3) Send/Receive
4) Be/Act in alignment

Bringing this back to our example. The more you BE the person who is financially free, the more you will DO in alignment with this person, the greater the likelihood you will HAVE financial freedom.

Dream your life
   Live your Dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

PS - The inspiration for this post came largely from the work of Dr Joe Dispenza.  Please check him our and his brilliance at

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


How does a trip around the world sound?

What about on foot?

I have heard from several different sources in the personal development industry that we often overestimate what we can accomplish in a year, but also underestimate what we can get done in 5 years.  Well, what about a lifetime?

A riddle which comes to mind is, "How do you eat an elephant?". Answer, one bite at a time.

And of course there is the quote by Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.".

How often do we look at the length of the journey or the size of the elephant and decide it's too big, would take too long, or too difficult and stop there instead of taking action?

So again, aside from asking for a very long snorkel, what would you say to having to walk around the world?

Now, what if you had to complete this journey IN ADDITION to your every day life?

According to the American Podiatric Medical Assocation, the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, which they estimate add up to 185,000 KMs in a lifetime - four times the circumference of the globe.

What is something you want to accomplish in this lifetime?
What is the first step in this journey that you will take now?

Your friend and Coach,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Book Review: Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning
Man's Search For Meaning is a staple in the Personal Development and Psychological world. The book is comprised of two parts; Viktor Frankl's incredible story and then the theory (Logotherapy) which came from this experience.

Viktor E. Frankl recounts the horrors of living in the Death Camps of Nazi Germany through the eyes of a psychiatrist. Shortly after his admittance, he becomes curious as to what attributes to the survival of some and the demise of so many.  In circumstances which soon equalize all who enter, how is it that some prisoners live on for years while other quickly die? A clue to the answer: "everything can be taken from man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

In the ultimate test of one's psychology, as you learn of the horrors of what went on within the camps, it is impossible not to wonder... if faced with such circumstances, how would you show up? would you be amongst the few that lived or the many that perish.

Worth noting, Viktor Frankl does a fantastic job of recounting and not dimissing the horrors of what happenned within the camp without diving into all the details which could turn off some readers.

The second part of the book is the science behind it all.  Quite frankly (no pun intended), this part isn't for everyone.  Although valuable to all, it is a tough read.  There is more information packed into one paragraph than found in entire psychology text books. As Viktor himself notes, the 60 pages which comprise the end of the book are a compilation of twenty volumes in German.  If you are a coach, tough it out. It is well wort the read.

Inspirational/Key Quotes & Excerpts:

"Man, however, is able to live and even die for the sake of his ideals and values!"

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." - Nietzsche

"Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first timeas wrongly as you are about to act now!"

"The more one forgets himself - by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love - the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself."

"We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triump, turn one's predicament into an achievement. When we are no longer able to change the situation... ... we are challenged to change ourselves."

"Consider a movie: it consistsof thousands upon thousands of individual pictures, and each of them makes sense and carries meaning, yet the meaning of the whole film cannot be seen before its last sequence is shown."

"People have enough to live by but nothing to live for; they have the means but no meaning."

If you joined me at my last seminar, you would have heard me talk about the meaning of life at the very end.  So again I say...

"Instead of asking 'What is the meaning of life?' ask, 'What is a life of meaning?'" - Bryce Healey

Your friend and Coach,