Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who's Getting Rich off Rich Dad?

Hi everyone!

I just watched/was distracted with a very interesting report which aired in January on CBC's Marketplace.

It reminded me of my Knowlege is Potential Power posting from back in 2009.

I went to the $500 course and bought the next level courses ($20K) with a friend (hi Vanessa!).

Yes, I do agree that they talk the $500 course up WAY too much in the free session, as it is mostly a teaser and a way to get the next round of people in for 3-day upsell. Their pressure sales techniques are definitely suspect (both during the seminar and POST seminar).

Questionable sales techniques does not mean there is no value. The next level courses are crammed with information. And the instructors know their stuff. And WOO HOO… no more upselling!

Unfortunately, fear of failure cripples most people from making that next crucial step (and I don’t mean signing up for the advanced programs). As with most things in life it is 20% mechanics and 80% psychology.

Regardless of how much or little you pay for a course, if you never take that information and act on it, you will never see a return on your investment.

Life's a trip. Give'r!

Your friend and Coach,

PS - Here are some of my favourite comments on the video.

"How did my wife and I become mortgage-free millionaires in our 30s? We read books that are available from the library and bookstore. That's it. Paying $500 for less information that can be found in a free library book is just silly." - Jim
[Excellent point Jim! Certainly a dose of medicine I could take. And just today I was about to buy a bunch of books, when I thought to check the library (free!) and sure enough, 9 of my top 14 are there!]


"To quote a VERY rich man, Jay-Z: "Men lie, women lie, numbers don't". From 2003-2007 (4 years), I went from a broke student (-$10k owing in loans), to over $1.5M net worth, solely using Kiyosaki's strategies for wealth building after I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", back in '03. ... The interesting thing here is that Erica Johnson is forgetting the cardinal rule of good Journalism; to give an unbiased, impartial and objective view of the topic. Poor form Erica!" - Bob


"Ive been a fan of Rich dad for a few years now. Read the books, Took a couple of the courses, also got a coach. The best 4-5000 dollars I have ever spent! None of our courses told us we would get rich quick or it would be easy! This broadcast was very entertaining, even for me ( a rich dad fan)! Probably because the hard work story would be boring. It was very one sided. I am a success story in the making, have two properties that cashflow 1000 dollars combined, and got them leveraging money..." - Jeff

"There once was a town on a seldom travelled road. A group of people approached a man standing on the road to the town, and asked him what the people in the town were like.

The man asked the group "what were the people like in the town you just came from"? Oh, they answered, "They were mean spirited, petty, greedy, and selfish". The guide said to them, "I'm afraid you will find the people in the town up ahead are also mean spirited, petty, greedy and selfish". They glumy headed down the road.

Soon another group approached the lone figure, and likewise asked him to describe the character of the citizens in the town ahead. He again asked "what were the folks like in the town you just came from."? Oh, they were kind, and considerate, friendly, and hated to see us leave."

Well the lone guide told them, you'll be pleased to know the people in the town ahead are exactly like that." - Don

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