Backpacking solo throughout Europe... ALSO in her 50s. - Simply f__ing cool
Starting her Internet Marketing business at age 78 - INSPIRATIONAL!
Her name is Mary Nolan and something tells me that these 3 points are just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to her inspirational life.
Being a Why Guy, I became curious as to why this had the impact on me that it did and why it was that I felt so inspired. Taking a quick step back, how do we get inspired? One way this happens is when your realm of possibilities expands, quite often through the lifting of a limiting belief or thought.
So, what was my limiting thought? In this case, when my mind was presented with the age of 78, it formed images of being elderly and starting to wrap up my life.... wind things down. It definitely did NOT have the image of starting a new business (or really, starting anything new), let alone with the latest and greatest technology.
Without having asked her, I will go out on a limb here and say that Mary has a very different definition of 78. And why not!?!?!? WE can decide what life should be like... our definitions or what getting older will look like, how work should be, what the experience of a being relationship is, etc... Our definitions are one of the few things that are 100% in our control. And what you believe to be true will become so.
If you believe work is 'hard, but necessary so suck it up'. Guess what your experience of anything you label the word work will be like. If all you've had in life are unstable chaotic relationships and believe that is just the way they are, guess what you will experience time and time again. If you say to yourself, LIFE SUCKS. Guess how life will start to feel?
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha
Stepping into Mary's world at 78... still full of energy and starting things... gets me EXCITED to reach that age, not fearful of it and resisting it (still in no rush though! ha ha). It also challenges ALL of my own BS (Belief System and the other one) excuses around not getting the ABSOLUTE MOST out of life. Which inspired me to get Wayne Dyer's latest book 'Excuses be gone'. Once complete, I will do a review for you. So far, all very good stuff (and it comes in audio format too.. woo pee!).
In summary, check in with what your definition is when you hear the below words. Be honest with yourself. What is the initial reaction, feeling, and/or image that pops into your mind? If its not what you actually want, then CHANGE IT!
- 80 years old (young)
- Relationship/Marriage
- Friends
- Kids.... Grandkids
- Work
- Retirement
- Other??? EXPLORE your definitions
And lastly, as a BONUS for my loyal readers, something which hit me just the other morning.
Life is as simple as knowing what you want and then going after it! Live your dreams or have your excuses... you choose (more to come on this once I am done the book).
Have a great weekend!!!!
Your friend and Coach,
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