Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Questions regarding Mastery

At 7am today I met with Dr. Amanda Chan for my Entrainment session. 

[So what the heck is that? The easiest way to explain it is that it's all the benefits (and more) of a chiropractic session, without all that nasty heavy duty cracking.  The technique is called Network Spinal Analysis (as founded by Dr Donald Epstein) and Dr. Amanda is one of the few in Ottawa who is qualified to perform this techinique... plus she's awesome! Check her out at]

Whats cool about this approach is that you are working on your body and mind at the same time! So often, she will ask me what we are working on today and I will say whatever I seem to be pondering or having challenges with in my life (just like coaching). Today I mentioned mastery.

For me, mastery is about owning a particular skill or area of your life! Taking intellectual knowledge and moving it to emotional and then physical knowledge (i.e.: where something is just habit and you don't consciously think of it).  Studying and practicing something until it is a part of the very fiber of your being. In short, it is the opposite of dabbling.

As soon as a lay down on the table, two questions came to me which I spent my session exploring:

1) What are the qualities and characteristics of Masters (i.e.: those who have obtained a level of mastery in an area of their life)? Put another way, what does it mean to be a Master?

2) What does it take to walk the path of Mastery?

The hamster is spinning the wheel pretty quick in my head, but before I share with you my thoughts, I would love to hear yours.  Please place them below in the comment box (anonymous or not).

Your friend and Coach,

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