Wednesday, December 15, 2010

4 Steps to Having Anything You Want

As you look into the future, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes based on what you choose to do and when. These are all potential future 'you's and is represented as follows:


I have intentionally drawn the dots in curved lines to represent 'waves' in time. Much like when you throw a stone into a pond, the immediate impact is a small ring, but in time this ring expands greater and greater in size representing the ever growing possible future yous as time passes.

Another way to look at it is if you make a change in direction of only 1 degree.  In the immediate future this does not create much of a difference from the original direction, but in time the gap increases.
When you think of how or who you would like to be in the future, you are attempting to connect with one or more of these future possible yous. Additionally, when you think of having specific things in your life, you connect with the future yous who have these things. If you never think of the future this whole conversation is a moot point, so we will assume there is a future you want to connect with.


Regardless of how likely it is you will continue making the same choices (i.e.: behaving in the same way), all the possibile future yous have the same probability.  That being said, 9 out of 10 of the future yous (based on where you are) may result in the same outcome. Therefore, the likelihood of that 1 different event happening are slim (not impossible... just not likely).

For example, lets say having $1,000,000 in your bank is something you would like to connect with. If you current you is a 9-5 job that pays a modest hourly wage, this is unlikely.

Again, unlikely but not impossible as there are an unlimited number of possibilities.  Perhaps these two possibilities represent buying a lottery ticket and choosing the winning numbers or robbing a string of local banks and getting away with it.

As you focus on that which you desire, you connect with these future yous they communicate back with you.  And they do this in the only form they can, through thoughts and ideas. It is then up to you (based on your beliefs, rules, perception of who you are, etc...) if you will act on these.

The more you act in alignment with the future yous you wish to manifest, the more likely it will be that they actually do become the present you, in time. The less likely an event (or the less current number of future yous), the more you would have to be tuned into this future you in order to do the precise action necessary to manifest him/her.

Conversely, if you have made choices in order to increase the likelihood of an event, there will be more future yous to connect with and therefore the likelihood of the event actually occuring is much higher.  Keep in mind, NOTHING is guaranteed.  However things can be highly likely.


Lets pull FIGURE 2&3 into a practical example and one that many of us strive for; financial freedom.

If the desired outcome and therefore the future yous you wish to connect with are those that are financially free and, like our previous example, you are working a 9-5 at a modest hourly wage, there won't be as many readily available future yous for you to connect with (see FIGURE 2).

However, if you had taken a real estate investment course and continued down this path, taking action and applying your new found knowledge, there will be many more future yous for you to connect with as you have now placed yourself in that environment and created that reality (see FIGURE 3).

While we are on this point, this helps explain 'luck'.  Often we refer to successful people as lucky (which is a convenient excuse in order to not take responsibility for our own results).  Perhaps it not as much luck as it is that successful people create a reality/environment for themselves which supports a high likelihood of success.


A major focus of what I do as a Coach is remove people's limiting beliefs.  A limiting belief is any belief you have which reduces the amount of possibilities available to you.  To a certain degree all beliefs are limiting, so the point is to choose beliefs which keep you open to the greatest number of possibilities.

A quick story to illustrate the power of beliefs.  One day I was driving by a grocery store and I didn't believe there was an entrance from the road I was on.  In actuallity there was one, but because I didn't believe there wasn't looking for it and what do you know... I didn't see it.  Sometimes... BELIEVING IS SEEING.

Similar to beliefs is focus.  I could have believed there was an entrance there, but if my focus was elsewhere (lets say I was on my phone or the car ahead of me suddenly swerved) I wouldn't see the entrance. And important concept to remember when it comes to focus is... WHAT YOU FOCUS ON IS WHAT YOU GET or YOUR FOCUS IS YOUR REALITY, BUT NOT ACTUALITY. In other words, if you are focused on the negative (even though it's not what you want), that is what you will experience and get more of.  Put another way... WHERE YOUR FOCUS GOES, ENERGY FLOWS.

Applying this to our desired outcome of Financial freedom, if you don't believe you can achieve this and/or you are not focused on it, it is highly unlikely it will happen (again... not impossible!).

In the above, you will notice that there a lot of possible future yous that have your desired outcome, but if you are focused elsewhere or they aren't within your realm of beliefs then you won't connect with them. This is very important to understand. 

You could have put your self in the right place, in the right time, with the right skills, etc... creating many possible yous within close vicinity of the present moment, but if you don't believe it or are focused elsewhere no of these future yous will become the present. THEY DO EXIST, you don't believe it or see it, just like that entrance to the grocery store.


Think of your brain as a radio antenna.  It both sends and receives signals.

The end goal is to act in accordance with the future you that has or is what you want. In order to do this you must send your desires to these future yous and then receive their thoughts, impulses, direction.  And in order to send or receive you must first tune in to the future yous.

Meditating with intent is a highly effective way of doing this. And really, what is meditating?  Its focusing your attention to rid yourself of distractions in order to connect with yourself and all versions of yourself. Keeping with the radio metaphor, it would be difficult to hear what the DJ is saying when your TV is on, iPod is playing, significant other is talking to you, as you check your facebook and cook supper. Meditating gives you the abilitiy to turn off the distractions.

Once in a meditative state (i.e.: eyes closed and you've allowed your mind to quiet), focus your mind on your desired outcomes.  Ask questions like who would you have to be to achieve this? How would you have to show up? What would you have to do/change? And also engage your emotions by feeling what it would feel like to accomplish this as well as what feelings you may have to develop or ditch. Stay with this until you are so connected with the future you that this version is here with you in the present.

From this will come action steps, and this is the critical part.... DOING THEM! Otherwise it was a fun trip... and when all is said and done the last thing you want to say is that all you did was dream your life. That is only the first half, the second half is living your dreams.

Some of the factors which determine the success of this process are:
- The intensity (emotions) with which you want the desired
- The frequency you connect with the desired state and NOT connect with the undesired state
- The current likelihood of the event occuring (again, this changes in time as you take more actions toward it)
- Your focus on beliefs


1) Know what you want (not what you don't want)
2) Tune in
3) Send/Receive
4) Be/Act in alignment

Bringing this back to our example. The more you BE the person who is financially free, the more you will DO in alignment with this person, the greater the likelihood you will HAVE financial freedom.

Dream your life
   Live your Dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

PS - The inspiration for this post came largely from the work of Dr Joe Dispenza.  Please check him our and his brilliance at

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


How does a trip around the world sound?

What about on foot?

I have heard from several different sources in the personal development industry that we often overestimate what we can accomplish in a year, but also underestimate what we can get done in 5 years.  Well, what about a lifetime?

A riddle which comes to mind is, "How do you eat an elephant?". Answer, one bite at a time.

And of course there is the quote by Lao Tzu, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.".

How often do we look at the length of the journey or the size of the elephant and decide it's too big, would take too long, or too difficult and stop there instead of taking action?

So again, aside from asking for a very long snorkel, what would you say to having to walk around the world?

Now, what if you had to complete this journey IN ADDITION to your every day life?

According to the American Podiatric Medical Assocation, the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, which they estimate add up to 185,000 KMs in a lifetime - four times the circumference of the globe.

What is something you want to accomplish in this lifetime?
What is the first step in this journey that you will take now?

Your friend and Coach,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Book Review: Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning
Man's Search For Meaning is a staple in the Personal Development and Psychological world. The book is comprised of two parts; Viktor Frankl's incredible story and then the theory (Logotherapy) which came from this experience.

Viktor E. Frankl recounts the horrors of living in the Death Camps of Nazi Germany through the eyes of a psychiatrist. Shortly after his admittance, he becomes curious as to what attributes to the survival of some and the demise of so many.  In circumstances which soon equalize all who enter, how is it that some prisoners live on for years while other quickly die? A clue to the answer: "everything can be taken from man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

In the ultimate test of one's psychology, as you learn of the horrors of what went on within the camps, it is impossible not to wonder... if faced with such circumstances, how would you show up? would you be amongst the few that lived or the many that perish.

Worth noting, Viktor Frankl does a fantastic job of recounting and not dimissing the horrors of what happenned within the camp without diving into all the details which could turn off some readers.

The second part of the book is the science behind it all.  Quite frankly (no pun intended), this part isn't for everyone.  Although valuable to all, it is a tough read.  There is more information packed into one paragraph than found in entire psychology text books. As Viktor himself notes, the 60 pages which comprise the end of the book are a compilation of twenty volumes in German.  If you are a coach, tough it out. It is well wort the read.

Inspirational/Key Quotes & Excerpts:

"Man, however, is able to live and even die for the sake of his ideals and values!"

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." - Nietzsche

"Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first timeas wrongly as you are about to act now!"

"The more one forgets himself - by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love - the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself."

"We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triump, turn one's predicament into an achievement. When we are no longer able to change the situation... ... we are challenged to change ourselves."

"Consider a movie: it consistsof thousands upon thousands of individual pictures, and each of them makes sense and carries meaning, yet the meaning of the whole film cannot be seen before its last sequence is shown."

"People have enough to live by but nothing to live for; they have the means but no meaning."

If you joined me at my last seminar, you would have heard me talk about the meaning of life at the very end.  So again I say...

"Instead of asking 'What is the meaning of life?' ask, 'What is a life of meaning?'" - Bryce Healey

Your friend and Coach,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Book Review: Eat Right For Your Type - Dr. Peter J D'Adamo

Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight
A few weeks ago (in the blog Food For Thought) I first mentioned the book, Eat Right For Your Type by Dr. Peter J D'Adamo and the results I am reaping from his research on the topic.  About 10 days I wrote  a follow-up (Food For Thought, Part 2) to that with the darkside of NOT eating well.

Today will be a quick lesson learned and then the review of the book.


In addition to following the guidelines set out by Eat Right For Your Blood Type I am just about to complete week #2 of P90X (an INTENSE 90 day exercise program).  On Tuesday, I completed the exercise routine and promply drank my 'Recovery Drink' (a protein shake of sorts formulated by the P90X group) and then, after a much needed shower, enjoyed your standard protein shake. 

About an hour later I found my energy levels crashing and soon my drive to do any work.... followed by my drive to do anything.  I found myself staring at my computer with no drive or desire to do any of the things I know are important or like to do. I did a few techniques to snap myself out of this brain fog, but alas, nothing was working for more than a short burst. Very frustrating considering a) I am a Coach and b) I am eating and exercising to have MORE energy.

Then the obvious dawned on me, the protein shakes are whey based which is derived from milk.  Being Blood Type O, I need to avoid dairy.  The next day I did my routine without the powders and I felt great! No brain fog, no drop in energy or mental clarity!

The fundamental awareness gained was the impact the most powerful drug we consume every day has on not only our body, but our mind.... that drug being food.  The effects are obvious (both immediately and the next day) when it comes to things like alcohol, so why not see food in that same light? 


And if you are interested in finding out what foods can give you super powers and which may be your kryptonite, Eat Right For Your Type is THE book to read.

I would highly recommend that EVERYONE read this book.  Even if you don't end up applying the guidelines, at least you can start making informed choices. Its the equivalent of going to the gas pump and having the knowlesge of choosing between Diesel, Biofuels, or the different octanes of gas.

What I love about this book is that it is written for a broad range of people.  For those of you who like to cut right to the chase, you can open to your Blood Type section and your customized guide is laid out for you breaking down food into 16 different sections (with charts) as well as Meal Plans, Recipes, Supplement Advisory, Exercise Guideline, and Personality Traits. Furthermore, the food categories are then clearly broken down into which foods (with an extensive list) are Benefitial for your blood type, Neutral, and which to Avoid.

For those of you that need a little more convincing and like to understand the method behind the madness, there is a very interesting history of blood type evolution alongside the human race.  It also dives into the scientific side of things as well.

Dr Peter D'Adamo does an incredible job of condensing TONS of information into an easy to read book and does an equally amazing job of balancing the scientific mumbo jumbo with common everyday language. This book will not make it to my bookshelf as I will be refering to it WAY to often.  Instead, it will be the perfect coffee table book.

Our bodies and our minds effect one another and we are all unique.  This book is a crucial piece of the puzzle in understanding the bigger picture of how we function as indivudals.

Go get it!

Your friend and Coach,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Questions regarding Mastery

At 7am today I met with Dr. Amanda Chan for my Entrainment session. 

[So what the heck is that? The easiest way to explain it is that it's all the benefits (and more) of a chiropractic session, without all that nasty heavy duty cracking.  The technique is called Network Spinal Analysis (as founded by Dr Donald Epstein) and Dr. Amanda is one of the few in Ottawa who is qualified to perform this techinique... plus she's awesome! Check her out at]

Whats cool about this approach is that you are working on your body and mind at the same time! So often, she will ask me what we are working on today and I will say whatever I seem to be pondering or having challenges with in my life (just like coaching). Today I mentioned mastery.

For me, mastery is about owning a particular skill or area of your life! Taking intellectual knowledge and moving it to emotional and then physical knowledge (i.e.: where something is just habit and you don't consciously think of it).  Studying and practicing something until it is a part of the very fiber of your being. In short, it is the opposite of dabbling.

As soon as a lay down on the table, two questions came to me which I spent my session exploring:

1) What are the qualities and characteristics of Masters (i.e.: those who have obtained a level of mastery in an area of their life)? Put another way, what does it mean to be a Master?

2) What does it take to walk the path of Mastery?

The hamster is spinning the wheel pretty quick in my head, but before I share with you my thoughts, I would love to hear yours.  Please place them below in the comment box (anonymous or not).

Your friend and Coach,

Friday, July 2, 2010

Book Review: Life's Golden Ticket

Hi everyone:

One thing you will start to see more and more of on this blog is Book Reviews.  A part of my own personal growth as well as to learn how to become an even more effective Coach, is reading books. In order to give you some insight into what books might be worth a read, I will be posting a quick summary and review of all the books and audio programs I complete.

Links are included to Amazon if you want to order yours right away.

Life's Golden Ticket: An Inspirational Novel

This is the perfect book to start my book reviews.

At just over 200 pages, this is an easy read you won't want to put down! It is written by Brendon Burchard (Experts Academy as well as High Performance Academy and many other high quality/value seminars and online courses).

Life's Golden Ticket will help you connect with yourself and what is trully important in life. Its a wonderful story of man who goes looking for answers and ends up on a magical journey of self discovery.  Brendon Burchard manages to keep the writing light while we examine some of our own heavy issues. A must read for any personal development enthusiast and/or Coach.

I wish I could give more details, but I dare not spoil the surprises and amazing tail to be told. Just go get it already!

Dream your life. Live your dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Food for thought, Part 2

Only 2 posts ago I wrote about the strange effect 'Eating Right For My Blood Type' was having on me (all positive).

Well, over the weekend I had the opportunity to become aware of the effects of NOT eating well. Two of my friends were married over the weekend in Owen Sound, which is about an 8 hour drive from Ottawa. As is my excuse with most road trips, this meant I got to take a break from my usual strict routine and endulge in the greasy... carb filled... processed side of the food chart. You remember the Food Groups right??? Pizza (Bread), Milkshakes (Dairy), French Fries and Onion Rings (Vegetables), and Hamburgers (Meat) and Alcohol (Liquids).

To be honest, yes, it was fun to endulge! But not without consequence (to me and others).  First the obvious ones:
- Fuzzy thinking (lack of mental clarity).  Although the serious case of the stupids made for an amuzing trip home, it was actually hard to pull together a cohesive thought.  In fact, I still feel this.
- Lack of energy. More precisely, my energy was a lot more volatile. I would feel short burst of high energy followed by long periods of burnt out exhaution.  Any motivation would come and go very quickly.  I also noticed my moods were starting to follow this pattern.
- Digestive challenges (i'll spare you the details)
- Weight gain (5 lbs in 4 days... )

- Nightmares.... lots of them.  I can't remember the last time I had nightmares, let alone consistently.  For 3 nights in a row I had anxiety driven nightmares which woke me up throughout the night. It also meant I slept much longer than usual to get the same feeling of being rested.
- Muscle fatigue. On Monday, I did my P90X routine, and although I had the energy to complete the video, my muscles felt weak.

By now, we all know the importance of eating right. However, most people still don't pay nearly enough attention to this area of their lives and the immediate and long lasting benefits one will receive from doing so. In my opinion, it is simply because we associate too much immediate pleasure by endulging cravings and pain in not doing so and/or eating the alternatives.

If you never stop (even if temporary), you will never be able to realize the benefits which await you.

SOOOOoooooo...  I challenge you to eliminate one thing from your diet for 14 consecutive days. Chose something you know you shouldn't be eating AND (this is very important) decide on at least 3 alternatives you will use instead of this AND buy these alternatives before you start.

If I have learned anything about nutrition (and life) it is to prepare. Quite often we turn to unhealthy alternatives because they are convenient, so make your healthy choices convenient.

Set yourself up for success and let me know how it goes.

Dream your life. Live your dream.

Your friend and Coach,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Are you ready?

Tony Robbins has said that "It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." For the context of this blog let's simplify to "It is in the moments that destiny is shaped."

If your moment to shine... to perform... to serve... to STEP UP and make a meaningful difference... called upon you, would you be ready to answer?

If the sales opportunity of a life time stepped into an elevator right now, what would you do?
If your ultimate career opportunity presented itself, are you prepared?
If the person of your dreams sat down next to you, do you even know what you would say?
If you had to make a decision right now that would define the direction of your life, would you know how to weigh out the options?

If life called upon you right now, are you ready... mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually?

"What we practice in private will be rewarded in public" - Maxim

Intellectually I understood this maxim and just recently it really started to hit home, but it wasn't until this evening that it became a part of me at a fundamental level.

As some of you may know, in addition to Coaching and Training, I am a Wedding Officiant. As I arrived onsite to perform a ceremony today, I was quickly ushered into a side room where I could see both the bride and groom together and the groom was sitting down crying… these were not tears of joy. It was only 15 minutes before the ceremony was scheduled to begin and he had just found out that his mother had been rushed to the intensive care unit of the hospital.

'Fortunately' I had watched a training video just 3 days ago which gave me the framework to best handle such an intense and delicate situation. Using this framework as well as the skills I have learned and practiced as a Coach, I was able to step up and make a difference in a moment of need.  What took place next was the most powerful ceremony I have ever witnessed or been a part of. Peace prevailed allowing Love to shine through.

If it wasn't for all the hours I had spent learning and, more importantly, reviewing and practicing my skills in private, there is no way I would have been ready to play my part.

I don't say this to impress you, I say this to impress upon you the importance of 'practicing in private' or as the Boy Scouts of America would say, to "Be Prepared.".

Too often we only prepare or practice when there is an immediate perceived benefit.... a planned event such as an interview.

Life, however, is what happens between the plans.

Dream you life. Live your dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Food for thought

If you have felt something all of your life, how would you know if it is good or bad?

In my on-going pursuit to live life to the fullest, 2 weeks ago I switched my diet according to a book called Eat Right for Your Blood Type.

Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight

It makes sense that that not all diets are meant for all people.  In this book Dr. Peter J D'Adamo goes into great detail to list the foods that are either beneficial, neutral, or harmful depending on if your blood type is O, A, B, or AB.

So again, 2 weeks ago I switched my diet to take out things like Corn and Potatoes (2 of my staples ever since I was born!!!) and eat according to my O blood type. I had a very good nutrition plan in place before this, so I didn't notice any major differences right away. However lately I have started noticing small things such as not feeling any little aches in my bones/back as much, more mental clarity, and what can only be described as a more stable flow of energy (i.e.: less ups and downs.. peaks and valleys). 

But the biggest difference and adjustment has been that its rare I feel trully full!  All my life (or at least as long as I can remember), I would eat... eat... and eat some more and then feel full for about 30-60 minutes afterwards.  You know... that feeling that you get after a nice big turkey supper (just not that extreme! ha ha).

Now, there'll be a big plate of food in front of me, which I devour in my usual ferocity, but when I am done I don't feel full.  The hunger is gone and I don't have any real desire to eat any more, but I don't feel full. Even now, I question if I should keep eating until I feel this feeling of full I have been feeling all my life. After all, feeling full used to be the signal to me to stop putting food in my mouth.  Could this have been wrong all my life?  Is this how you are meant to feel?

All very strange and gets me curious as to what other feelings I may be experience which are either wrong or misleading.

What thoughts or feelings have you had your entire life (or a long time) which you have just accepted as life but in reality may not be appropriate?

Your friend and Coach,


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Misunderstood Magnets Mislead

How often have you heard the expression, "Opposites attract."?

You have probably heard this so often that you accept it as such and WHAMMO you have a belief installed into the fiber of your being.  A belief which affects the decisions you make and the way you see and shape  your world on a conscious and unconscious level.

Perhaps it started as a kid when you were playing with magnets. Next thing you know this belief was applied to the dating world and so we search for our opposite.

What if this belief wasn't true?

What if opposites repell and likes attract?


I first started to question the theory that 'opposites attract' after reading in many different personal development and success books how 'likes attract'.  A simple example would be if you focus your mind on riches and you get riches, conversely you focus on debt and you get debt.

Given that universal laws apply universally, how could two laws exist which directly contradict each other?

As it turns out one of them doesn't exist (except for in our minds) and you guessed it, it's 'Opposites Attract' when instead the reality is that LIKES ATTRACT and OPPOSITES REPEL.


The below shows the magnetic lines of force surrounding a magnet. As you can see, they come out of the North end at enter the South end therefore flowing South to North.

The following shows two magnets with like ends pointing towards each other.  Yes the like ends will repel each other which seems to go against the point I am making, however if you look at the flow of the magnetic lines, which is the natural force at hand, they are OPPOSITE (i.e.: they are flowing directly against each other) and therefore are REPELLING.

The next picture depicts the reverse.  As you can see, even though we have them labelled as opposite ends, it is again the underlying natural force which follows the Universal Law, which is that LIKES ATTRACT.

OK, so that explains magnet, but what about relationships? How does the Universal Law of Likes Attract apply?

Quick definitions: by Relationship I am referring to everything from a friendship to an intimate relationship and Attraction does not necessarily mean physical attraction.

Simply put, you are attracted to those who you feel are like you.  There are common bonds between you and all of your friends, wither they be good or bad bonds.  An example of bad may be drug or alcolohol use/abuse.

At work, you and your colleagues have a common bond or mission; that of the company.  In organization where there is not a clear mission, or where departmental missions are stronger than the overall mission, you will see departments and people repel as the organization falls apart.

This can also be seen in sports teams... the common and dominating force is that of winning! If an individual has a dominating force other than that of the team (for example: showing off), that person will be repelled by the team and the overall force of the team will be lower UNLESS you can align their 'showing off' with the team winning.

Going back to individual relationships, when you first start dating somebody, you go through an interview like process where you are seeking out all of the common bonds.  What is interesting, is that you don't need to agree to have the bond. For example, two people who are very passionate about sports but different teams.  Even though they have opposing opinions, the common bond is the love of that sport!

This would also explain that you tend to attract people who are going through the same struggles as you.


Consider yourself one big, walking, talking magnet.  If you don't like what you are attracting, ask yourself what there might be in your life that is attracting this (and of course remembering that LIKES ATTRACT).

The other lesson goes hand in hand with focus.  A popular example would be getting out of debt.  If you want to get out of debt, instead of focussing on paying off debt, focus on gaining money.  A real life example, I have a fishbowl on my desk with a picture of my future Harley on it.  A few months ago I put $40 in it as an experiement to start attracting money.  I then found myself throwing in change and the odd bill into it.  One day my dad was visiting and he even felt the attraction and threw some money in.  I still have a ways to go before this money attracts the Harley, however the point here is if I had never started I would have no money in there.

Like attracts like.

Dream your life. Live your dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

PS - Kinda makes you wonder what other beliefs you may need to reconsider....

Monday, May 31, 2010

A story of a dog named Floyd

(For those of you who know the real Floyd, stay calm, he is alive and well!).

There once was a puppy named Floyd who loved nothing more than to go for walks... running around, chasing birds and squirrels... it was paradise.

As Floyd grew older he began to get tired of his walks.  "There has to be more to it than this.", he thought, "I feel like all I do is go in circles. What's the point?".  And with that Floyd decided he wanted to walk somewhere. To make something of his walk. But where?

He pondered this while continuing his usual walk.  Afterall, why change when he knows this walk so well. Once he figures out the answer, then he will change. And so he walked and walked and pondered and pondered. But still no answer. Frustrated he barked loudly into the sky, "Please tell me the answer!", but he did not hear a reply.

The next morning, as Floyd as was on his usual walk, he came to a sudden stop.  "What the heck is this?!" He asked himeself. "Somebody has built a road right across my usual path! Nobody asked my permission.  Who do they think they are?!?" Floyd barked in a fury.  Confused, he turned around and went home.

The next morning he set out on his walk hoping it was all a bad dream. But sure enough, the road was still there. And this time, some strange thing with four wheels zoomed by on the road. "What is going on? I don't understand. Why did this happen to me?" Floyd thought. Tail between his legs, Floyd turned around and went home.

The next morning Floyd went to leave on his walk, but then suddenly stopped. He thought of all the change in the last 2 days.  "What if more has changed?" He asked himeself.  "I don't know if I can handle any more change." And so, Floyd decided to stay home.

"Home isn't so bad." Floyd thought. And he did his best to keep busy, but soon enough he grew tired again. He began to pace in his house. Wondering what to do. Back and forth he paced... "I can't play inside anymore, but I can't go outside... not now... its been too long... too much will have changed by now." Not knowing what to do Floyd barked with frustration loudly into the sky, "Please tell me the answer!", but he did not hear a reply.

That night, Floyd woke up to the loudest thunder he had ever heard in his life. "Great, what now?" He thought. "It can't get any worse." And then sure enough, it did. Water began to flow into Floyd's home ruining all his favourite things. Floyd couldn't believe it. "Why does this always happen to me?" he barked "What did I do to deserve this? I didn't ask for this! This is the worst day of my life."

Feeling as if he had no other choice, Floyd left his home.  He couldn't remember the last time he had been outside. And his worries were right... much more had changed.

So Floyd did the only thing he knew what to do, he began walking. Even though much had changed, he quickly adapted and thought to himself, "this isn't so bad." As Floyd relaxed and began to enjoy walking again, he laughed a little and thought, "you know, I never did figure out what the point of these walks are. I really wish somebody would tell me the answer."

Just as soon as this thought had finished a road came across his path. And not just any road... the same road that started this whole mess. FURIOUS Floyd barked and barked and barked until he tired himself right out and lay down beside the road.... feeling completely lost.

When Floyd awoke he was looking down the road instead of across it.  This new perspective allowed him to notice something he had never seen in all his days of walking.  There was something down the road.

Curious, Floyd walked with the road until he came across this new something. As he came to the spot where he thought it should be, the something wasn't there, but from here he noticed many other somethings. So he continued down many other paths. Some were short, some long, some dark, some bright, some were paved, some were gravel... all with many somethings. Some somethings he liked, some he didn't.

Then on one particularly beautiful day when there were no clouds in the sky,  he decided to hold his head up high and look up into the sky, well above his own height, for the first time in his life. And it was then he saw the something which called out to him like no other ever had.  This something though was far off and high above him, but he began walking anyway with a sense of purpose.  Whenever he grew tired, all he had to do was look at this new something and we was revitalized. It was as if this new something was giving him new energy, new life!

At times, he wished he had looked higher than his height sooner, as this something was probably there all along. But of course it wasn't just about looking up high, as sometimes clouds were in the way. As Floyd continued on his trip, he had to use all of the skills he had learned along the way. In fact, if it wasn't for all those other paths in the past, the good and the bad, he would not have been able to take on this trip. It was then he realized that life hadn't been happening to him... it was happening for him.

Finally, Floyd reached his ultimate something!!! HE WAS OVERJOYED! And so he began running around, chasing birds and squirrels... it was paradise.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Power of Making a Decision

"It is in the moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Tony Robbins aka The Man

Whether your conscious of them or not, you are making thousands of decisions a day.  The challenge is, you make the same ones or poor ones.You can have anything you want in life simply by DECIDING to make it so.

That being said, let's check in on what the true definition of making a decision is.  According to the origin comes from "to cut off from".  Meaning, when you have made a TRUE DECISION, you have cut off from all other possibilities.

There is an old story about a great warrior and leader who sailed with his army to face a fierce enemy which outnumbered them.  Upon arrival, he ordered the boats to be burned. When questioned of his intentions, he responded that now the only way to survive is by winning! And as the story goes, that is exactly what they did.  A perfect example of making a true decision.

Furthermore and in my opinion, when you have made a true decision, action in the direction of that decision immediately follows.  Otherwise, you haven't decided, you are still considering options and/or reaffirming your desire.

To continue the riddle theme from my last post....  There are 5 birds sitting on a wire, one decides to fly off, how many are left?

Answer: It depends on your definition of decision.

In the old definition, 5 birds would remain, as making a decision didn't hold any weight.
In your new defitinion, 4 birds would remain, as action would immediately follow.
And if that bird was a leader, no birds would remain.

OK, time to get real.

If you don't already know, I am hosting my first public seminar in a couple weeks (June 2, 2010 see the events section of my website for more details, ). Its FREE and you are all welcome!

How did this become a reality? I decided.  Honestly, it was something I knew I would do 'one day' and had talked about it several times, but had not decided to.  So how did I decide???  Well... I was in the shower and the thought of doing a seminar popped in my head... AGAIN.  And I said to myself "Enough is enough." Immediately after my shower and barely dry, I booked the venue. ACTION!

So...  now I had a date and a location.  All I needed was an audience and what it was I was going to say.  Minor details.. ha ha. Fast forward to today, already I have 10 people confirmed and the framework for my speech is complete.

And again, how did this become a reality? I decided. One simple decision backed with action.

So perhaps now or this weekend, start making some decisions.  If its been a while start small or maybe for now its simply the decision to start making and acknowledging true decisions when you make them.

Either way, the path to your destiny is paved with conscious decision making.  And you don't want to know what the other path is paved with.

Your friend and Coach,

PS - If you liked this post and need help in this area. Contact me for a free coaching session OR if you prefer a do it on your own method, Tony Robbins' Person Power is the best there is on the topic.

Personal Power Classic Edition

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life lessons through riddles

Sometimes the answer is in front of us
A tree doubled in height each year until it reached its maximum height over the course of ten years.
How many years did it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?

The Importance of Meaning
Why are 2010 (loonies) dollar bills worth more than 2009 (loonies) dollar bills?

The Importance of Perspective
Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. He landed he was completely unhurt, not even a scratch. Outside the building it was a sheer drop to the ground. . Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?

A black dog stands in the middle of an intersecton in a town painted black. None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time?

A Lesson in Dynamics
You are on a ship, over the side hangs a rope ladder with half meter rungs. The tide rises a half meter per hour. At the end of five hours, how much of the ladder will remain above the water assuming that nine rungs were above the water when the tide began to rise?

Something to keep as an advisor, not a jailor.
I make you weak at the worst of all times. I keep you safe, I keep you fine. I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold. What am I?

Something so powerful it can build us up or tear us down:
What can bring back the dead; make us cry, make us laugh, make us young; born in an instant yet lasts a life time?


I will post the answers in a few days... email me if you can't sleep.

Your friend and Coach,

1) 9-years - the tree DOUBLES in height every year. Therefore last year it would have been half the height (see it visually).
2) Because 2010 is 1 more than 2009 (think of it as the number of loonies/dollar bills and not the year).
3) Brad was a window washer and was looking at the window from the outside. When he opened it up and jump through he was jumping into the building.
4) It was day time.
5) Nine rungs. The ship rises with the tide.
6) Fear
7) Memories

Monday, April 12, 2010

Get perspective on any problem/issue

 The next time you find yourself getting worked up because things didn't quite go your way, watch this for some much needed perspective:

Your friend and Coach,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why have goals?

There is a ton of material on how to set goals, but not often do we stop and consider WHY have goals in the first place.

One of my favourite saying is "Life's a trip." The 'trip' part can refer the hippy-esk saying of something being trippy, as in weird, crazy, and unexpected, yet cool and fun OR 'trip' can refer to a journey of sorts. For the purpose of this blog we will put the psychedelic drugs aside and focus in on the latter reference.

What would it be like to be driving your car and have no clue as where you are going? No navigator, no map, nothing. Might be fun at first, driving around with no point or purpose other than to take it all in, but eventually you would get bored and want to feel like all this driving has a bigger purpose to it. Goals give us that purpose.

Goals also give us direction! As once you know where you want to go, it is simple about plotting out a plan to get there. Sure things may pop up along the way, but you know the destination and you can handle those bumps in the road.

Goals act as a point of reference to see if the decisions we are making in our lives are sending us in the direction that we have chosen. In essence, they help us get what we want in life.

Life is as simple as knowing what you want and then.... going after it!
What do you want out of life? What do you want to achieve in the next year? What do you want to feel today?

One way or another, life will happen. In the end, the difference will be between if it was the life you CHOSE or simply the life you lived.

Brought to you by:
Your friend and Coach,

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Insipiration

Making $500,000 in one year and retiring in her early 50s. - Impressive

Backpacking solo throughout Europe... ALSO in her 50s. - Simply f__ing cool

Starting her Internet Marketing business at age 78 - INSPIRATIONAL!

Her name is Mary Nolan and something tells me that these 3 points are just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to her inspirational life.

Being a Why Guy, I became curious as to why this had the impact on me that it did and why it was that I felt so inspired. Taking a quick step back, how do we get inspired?  One way this happens is when your realm of possibilities expands, quite often through the lifting of a limiting belief or thought.

So, what was my limiting thought? In this case, when my mind was presented with the age of 78, it formed images of being elderly and starting to wrap up my life.... wind things down.  It definitely did NOT have the image of starting a new business (or really, starting anything new), let alone with the latest and greatest technology.

Without having asked her, I will go out on a limb here and say that Mary has a very different definition of 78. And why not!?!?!?  WE can decide what life should be like... our definitions or what getting older will look like, how work should be, what the experience of a being relationship is, etc...  Our definitions are one of the few things that are 100% in our control. And what you believe to be true will become so.

If you believe work is 'hard, but necessary so suck it up'. Guess what your experience of anything you label the word work will be like. If all you've had in life are unstable chaotic relationships and believe that is just the way they are, guess what you will experience time and time again. If you say to yourself, LIFE SUCKS. Guess how life will start to feel?

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha

Stepping into Mary's world at 78...  still full of energy and starting things...  gets me EXCITED to reach that age, not fearful of it and resisting it (still in no rush though! ha ha). It also challenges ALL of my own BS (Belief System and the other one) excuses around not getting the ABSOLUTE MOST out of life.  Which inspired me to get Wayne Dyer's latest book 'Excuses be gone'.  Once complete, I will do a review for you.  So far, all very good stuff (and it comes in audio format too.. woo pee!).

Excuses Begone! [How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits] [UNABRIDGED] [AUDIOBOOK/AUDIO CD]

In summary, check in with what your definition is when you hear the below words. Be honest with yourself.  What is the initial reaction, feeling, and/or image that pops into your mind? If its not what you actually want, then CHANGE IT!
- 80 years old (young)
- Relationship/Marriage
- Friends
- Kids.... Grandkids
- Work
- Retirement
- Other??? EXPLORE your definitions

And lastly, as a BONUS for my loyal readers, something which hit me just the other morning.

Life is as simple as knowing what you want and then going after it! Live your dreams or have your excuses... you choose (more to come on this once I am done the book).

Have a great weekend!!!!

Your friend and Coach,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A whole wack load of value!

I'm back!!! I hope none of you were suffering from withfrawal too badly. To make it up to you, this post will be nothing but valuable quotes, books, and videos for your enjoyment! 


Yesterday Anne Coulter (right-wing political nut job) was cancelled from speaking at the University of Ottawa. To quote my friend Kirsten Fraser "the solution to Anne Coulter is not to give her what most ignorant tools want... attention."  Even negative attention (i.e.: protestors) fuels people like this.  How often in life do you give your time, attention, and energy to negative things? As tempting as it is to participate, stay strong, and give energy to the solution.  To quote Mother Teresa; "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."

"Whatever you think is going to hold you back probably won't, but you'll never know until you try it." - Frank Kern, Internet Marketing Gangsta

"Men [women] are whipped oftenist who are whipped easiest" - Frederick Douglass


I am reading a great book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Collins Business Essentials). It is a frightening insight into the world of advertising and sales.  A MUST read for anybody in sales or advertising/promotions and an excellent read for anybody else.  Learn how you can turn the tables on that car salesman!

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Collins Business Essentials)

Another one I have read a few times. Its super simple, but pure genius in its simplicity.

And of course the mother of all spider killing books when it comes to personal development:


OK, first a little shameless self promotion:

AND FINALLY... If you haven't seen this, it's a MUST watch.  I have always like Will Smith (not in THAT way... not that there is anything wrong with that) and he is an incredibly talented actor. Will's Wisdom:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello Day Zero!

Wow... this is going to be much more challenging than I thought.  Luckily, I am always up for a challenge!

I managed to kick-butt throughout the weekend (even after watching Team Canada literally trip over themselves and lose to the US) and started Monday off well.....  but then an old pattern crept in late in the day Monday and WHAMMO....  negative thoughts/emotions and a major focus on the problem.

Unfortunately I woke up this morning in the same funk, so today is actually Day zero. Part of me was VERY tempted to fully write-off today and use it to just chill out.  Now, it is not to say that some time, what we need is to take a quick break, but this is where being honest with yourself is KEY. 

In this case, 'Chilling out' was just a euphemism for avoiding the problem... and more importantly...  avoiding the SOLUTION.  So when I asked myself the higher quality question of what would make feel better in the next 24 hours (rather than what would make me feel better now), the answer was quite different.

Back in January I gave you a cure for Procrastination -  As a reminder, Hesitation kills dreams.  NOW is the only time we have.

Decide once and for all how you will start to live your life now (not tomorrow or at the beginning of March, etc....)...  NOW! And then take immediate action into making this a reality (this is a crucial step).  Even if it is small, like calling the gym to make an appointment for a tour or committing to a friend as to when you will have your career plan in place.  ANY small step towards making it a reality breathes life into this thought.

And on this note, I am off to start living my life the way I am committed to living NOW.

Life's a trip. Give'r!

Your friend and Coach,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Problems are a sign of life - Important video link included

Hi everyone!

It took a second try, (i.e.: I had to repeat Day 1), but I am now officially on day 2 of the 10 day challenge!

The positive thoughts/emotions are useful, but what is making a profound difference in my world is the focus on solutions.

How often do we analyze, dwell, and even move on only to revisit our problems?  This is not to say you should ignore problems, but once you know a problem exists and what it is, get solution focused. What I have personally noticed over the last couple of days is by focussing on the solution I am naturally pulled in the direction to take action and soon the problem is gone.

To quote Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking, “Problems are a sign of life, and if you don’t have problems you had better start to worry because the only people that don’t have problems are in the grave!”

Accept problems as a challenge, as an opportunity to learn and grow. And most important, acknowledge that your problems are QUALITY problems.

Please watch the following video and as you do, ask yourself, 'How would my life be different if I adopted some of his positive beliefs?'.

Dream your life. Live your Dreams.

Your friend and Coach,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Ten Day Challenge! - Day 1

Hi everyone:

Yesterday my coach (yes, even coaches have coaches...  everybody can benefit from a coach) invited me to take Tony Robbins' 10 day challenge. For those of you that have his book "Awaken the Giant Within", it starts on page 309.  For those that don't have it....  buy a copy now.  This book will change your life.

The essence of the challenge is this: For the next 10 consecutive days, refuse to dwell on any unresourceful  (negative) thoughts or feeling.Or to state this in the positive: Focus only on resourceful throughts or emotions.

To be clear, this doesn't mean you aren't allowed to temporarily experience a negative thought as let's face it, they will happen. The purpose here is to not DWELL on them.  As described in the challenge, when you realize you are experiencing a negative thought or emotion, you have 1 minute to break the pattern.

If you dwell longer than 1 minute, you restart your 10 days.

Again, my coach extended me this challenge and I have excepted.  In turn, I am extending the challenge to all of you!  Are you up for it???  Come on... I triple dog dare you.. no stampsies or erasies.

This is day 1 for me... and so far so good! I will do my best to blog each day so you can follow along.  Furthermore, I encourage all you who are brave enough to accept the challenge to post your comments as to your progress.

And as if a challenge isn't enough to motivate you.  For all of those who do decide they are man/woman enough to do this....  contact me through my website ( and I will give you a FREE coaching session in which I will give you a few tools of exactly how to break your negative state.

The first step in creating a breakthrough in your life is awareness, which this exercise will give you plenty of.

Life's a trip. Give'r!

Your friend and Coach,

PS - FREE is good, and the next best thing is an amazing deal and my new coaching packages are just that! Check them out at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who's Getting Rich off Rich Dad?

Hi everyone!

I just watched/was distracted with a very interesting report which aired in January on CBC's Marketplace.

It reminded me of my Knowlege is Potential Power posting from back in 2009.

I went to the $500 course and bought the next level courses ($20K) with a friend (hi Vanessa!).

Yes, I do agree that they talk the $500 course up WAY too much in the free session, as it is mostly a teaser and a way to get the next round of people in for 3-day upsell. Their pressure sales techniques are definitely suspect (both during the seminar and POST seminar).

Questionable sales techniques does not mean there is no value. The next level courses are crammed with information. And the instructors know their stuff. And WOO HOO… no more upselling!

Unfortunately, fear of failure cripples most people from making that next crucial step (and I don’t mean signing up for the advanced programs). As with most things in life it is 20% mechanics and 80% psychology.

Regardless of how much or little you pay for a course, if you never take that information and act on it, you will never see a return on your investment.

Life's a trip. Give'r!

Your friend and Coach,

PS - Here are some of my favourite comments on the video.

"How did my wife and I become mortgage-free millionaires in our 30s? We read books that are available from the library and bookstore. That's it. Paying $500 for less information that can be found in a free library book is just silly." - Jim
[Excellent point Jim! Certainly a dose of medicine I could take. And just today I was about to buy a bunch of books, when I thought to check the library (free!) and sure enough, 9 of my top 14 are there!]


"To quote a VERY rich man, Jay-Z: "Men lie, women lie, numbers don't". From 2003-2007 (4 years), I went from a broke student (-$10k owing in loans), to over $1.5M net worth, solely using Kiyosaki's strategies for wealth building after I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", back in '03. ... The interesting thing here is that Erica Johnson is forgetting the cardinal rule of good Journalism; to give an unbiased, impartial and objective view of the topic. Poor form Erica!" - Bob


"Ive been a fan of Rich dad for a few years now. Read the books, Took a couple of the courses, also got a coach. The best 4-5000 dollars I have ever spent! None of our courses told us we would get rich quick or it would be easy! This broadcast was very entertaining, even for me ( a rich dad fan)! Probably because the hard work story would be boring. It was very one sided. I am a success story in the making, have two properties that cashflow 1000 dollars combined, and got them leveraging money..." - Jeff

"There once was a town on a seldom travelled road. A group of people approached a man standing on the road to the town, and asked him what the people in the town were like.

The man asked the group "what were the people like in the town you just came from"? Oh, they answered, "They were mean spirited, petty, greedy, and selfish". The guide said to them, "I'm afraid you will find the people in the town up ahead are also mean spirited, petty, greedy and selfish". They glumy headed down the road.

Soon another group approached the lone figure, and likewise asked him to describe the character of the citizens in the town ahead. He again asked "what were the folks like in the town you just came from."? Oh, they were kind, and considerate, friendly, and hated to see us leave."

Well the lone guide told them, you'll be pleased to know the people in the town ahead are exactly like that." - Don

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Quick Math Lesson in Success

You have probably heard the expression: ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ Well, neither is your life.

The path to success is walked with consistent daily action towards our goals. Would you go to the gym once, lift immense weight, and then expect to be fit the rest of your life? Of course not. But how often do we use that approach in aspects of our careers, relationships, or life?

What would an improvement as small as 0.5% a day give you within a year? Simple math would have you believe 182.5%, which in itself is impressive, but isn’t the right answer because learning is like compound interest. 0.5% improvement a day for a year equals a total improvement of approx 614%!!

Think about it....
Dream you life. Live your dream.
Your friend and coach,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Cure to Procrastination

This is a quick kick in the butt for those of you who need it (you know who you are).  January is 1 day away from being done! That is almost 10% of the year complete, forever gone, adios muchachos.  Hesitation kills dreams. Take action now, as now is the only time we have.

If you are wondering why you are not following through with actions that you want, this blog is for you.

The reason we do ANYTHING always comes down to two things; pain and pleasure. If you associate more pain than pleasure in the moment to taking a particular action, you won't do it and vice versa. If only pain is present, you will do the action which causes the least perceived pain. And if only pleasure is present (now THAT is a quality problem), you will do whatever you see will give you the most pleasure.

Extreme example; death. Arguably, death can be seen as the ultimate pain.  So why would anybody choose to die?  Two examples come to mind; depressed individuals or suicide bombers. 

If you are depressed you are associating A LOT of pain to living.  If you live this life long enough and continue this pattern of thought, there is a tipping point where the pain of death is perceived to be less than the pain and living. 

On the other hand, in order to become a suicide bomber, one would have to associate ultimate pleasure with taking their life.  We have heard of such things as their families being taken care of for life, being a hero to your community and country, and of course the harem of virgins awaiting for you in heaven.

Its also worth noting, that most of us will take action to avoid pain, rather than gain pleasure.  Quick test of this.  Would you work harder to gain $50,000 or to not lose $50,000? Most people would fight like crazy not to lose the $$.

The two key phrases here are "perceived pain or pleasure" and "in the moment."

Perception = Reality 

Wither you logically know differently or not, whatever you emotionally feel will override this thought. And this would only apply to that particular moment you are making the decision.  After all, once you have made the decision, logic or emotions no longer apply.  The exception to this is when you find yourself in conflict, where you attempt to make a decision, then something (pain or pleasure) stops you and forces you back to the decision point again (also known as hell!).

In summary, if you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself, "What pain or pleasure have I associated with this particular task?". Then, be honest with yourself and hook up pleasure in doing the action and massive pain in not.

If you find yourself in conflict or in need of help, you should consult a coach.  Now geeeeeee... if I only knew who I could refer you to.......

Dream your life. Love your dream.

Your friend and Coach,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Like a Virgin in Vegas

First off, something tells me a virgin wouldn't last too long in Sin City!

HAPPY 2010!!!  How are your New Years resolutions coming along? Having challenges sticking with them? If so, make sure to visit my website regularly as I will be posting some exciting updates soon.  And for those who resolved not to make any resolutions, heed these words: "The only constant in life is change".  If you are not deciding your future, who is?

OK, time to get to today's blog...

Me and a good friend returned from Vegas not so long ago where we attended a Business Mastery seminar hosted by the one and only Tony Robbins (you the man Tony... you the man).  It was his first time and I had been there once before about 3 years ago (also on business).

As the plane commenced its final decent into Vegas, my friend was bubbling with anticipation.  I on the other hand was relatively calm... after all, I had been there before.

Arriving at our hotel (the Venetian!), he was blown away by the lobby; the sheer size and detail! I on the other hand was expecting this... after all, I stayed at Caesar's Palace last time.

Walking down the strip, he had his camera ready and was quick to point out... well... pretty much everything.  I looked at him in amusement and took in the sights... after all, I had seen this before.

Day 1 of the event, I thought he might wet his pants as the crowd worked itself into a frenzy waiting for Tony Robbins to hit the stage. OK, I was excited too, but he had that extra special anticipation.

Going for lunch, he commented on all the different (especially high end) stores, the size of the hotel, and all the attractions along the way to the food court. I was focused on getting some food in my stomach... after all, this wasn't new to me.

Pretty much the entire trip, his level of excitement over the smallest things way surpassed mine.  It appeared he was having WAY more fun than I was. Makes sense... after all, I had been to Vegas once before.

So???  I had been to Vegas ONCE before and even then barely got to see it! It's not like I am an expert on the place and even if I was... SO????

How does having seen or experienced something take away from the awesomeness of the event? IT DOESN'T!

How would your experience of life be different if you were doing so as if it was the first time...
your first time waking up beside your lover...
your first time having sex...
your first time putting on comfy socks...
your first time eating your favourite breakfast...
your first experience in a car (but please drive like you know what you are doing! ha ha)...
your first time outside...
your first time breathing in a full breathe...
your first time telling somebody you love them...
your first sunset...

What would you notice differently? 
What is in your life now you would have killed to have in your life only years or maybe only even months ago?
WHO is in your life your life?
What amazing areas of your life have you become desensitized to that you simply need to reconnect with and re-appreciate?

I challenge you all to experience a day with virgin eyes, virgin ears, a virgin nose, a virgin mouth, virgin hands, a virgin body......... a virgin heart.

If Madonna can sing about being touched like a virgin, we can certainly relive it at least once!

Your friend and Coach,
Now on Twitter: